Such proclamations are regularly chimed from the merchants of the “Get-Fit-Quick” brigade, who appeal to the couch potato that there is a magical easy way…
“Even a little is better than none at all.” Sometimes we know too much. Should I do some sun salutations? Or would long slow hip…
Hi there wild women. Thanks for taking a little time to read this and for taking in a little nourishment! Nutrition is all about supporting…
By Lynn F. I’m frequently asked, what is the most important piece of safety gear, for road cycling? Let’s have a look… Road ID- This…
By Jacqueline S. I have been doing this core exercise for the last 10 years at least once a day. My brother told me that…
Summer in Tuscany is a wonderful time: hot temperatures during the day mitigated by wonderful breezes in the evening, the happy chorus of the cicadas,…
Find five minutes to sit in nature. Listen to this simple stress reducer. Repeat often to clear and lighten your load.
by Kate Solsti Stress and Our Animals Our animals are acutely aware of the electromagnetic frequencies of stress as we experience it and as it…
Ahh late summer in Vermont, cool nights, crisp warm days….and time for harvesting. We wait all year to be able to harvest from our short…
So you’ve decided to finally take that trip to Peru you’ve been dreaming about. You’ve chosen your travels dates, booked your flight and you have…