The Seed Doctor: Dr. Bradford Weeks

Join us on Thursday, September 3rd at 12pm (MDT) for a discussion with the Seed Doctor: Dr. Brad Weeks. Click here to join:
“Survive and Thrive”
“To see things in the seed, that is genius.” – Lao Tzu (Founder of Taoism)

12pm (MDT) on Thursday, September 3rd:
Who is Dr. Brad Weeks?
“After 25 years of holistic medical practice, I have learned that the supreme nutritional source of health and vitality is not this special diet or that newest fad, not this nutritional supplement or that super juice… No. The nutritional source of health and vitality is simple the source of life itself: the SEED. Organic plant seeds are the nutritional treasure chest wherein Nature stores the entire innate wisdom and genetic treasure chest and potentiated regenerative stem cells of the plant – perfectly preserved and protected and ready to reproduce the species. Join the “Eat the Seed Revolution!” and learn how to regain your health and happiness.” Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.
Dr. Weeks completed undergraduate studies at Dartmouth College (major: Political Philosophy) then, prior to medical school training at the University of Vermont, Dr. Weeks worked in the Harvard system doing two years of research at Massachusetts General Hospital’s mineral metabolism unit working on osteoporosis (calcium, magnesium and vitamin D). In addition, he studied nutrition (including macrobiotics with Mishio Kushi in Brookline, MA), acupuncture, massage (shiatsu), music therapy (Tomatis method, power of chant), Anthroposophical medicine and classical homeopathy. Medical school at the University of Vermont was followed by medical internship (1 year) and psychiatric residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (3 years). He is a specialist in psychiatry and developed the field of “corrective medicine and psychiatry” .
Dr. Weeks loves music and thinks of health in terms of musical metaphor – playing a musical instrument. In order to play an instrument well (to be healthy) one needs four factors 1) a well-built and well-maintained instrument, 2) a tuned instrument, 3) someone who loves playing the instrument and someone who has composed or can create de novo (improvise) a musical piece. Those four factors represent, respectively, 1) the physical body (the instrument), 2) the vibrational or etheric body (being tuned), 3) the soul’s delight in life (the joy of the musician) and 4) the birthright of all humans to participate in the spiritual act of creation of their life (the composer). For this reason, all protocol recommendations from Dr. Weeks are designed to correct imbalances in: 1) your biochemistry (physical body), 2) your vitality (energetic, vibrational, etheric body or “chi” ), 3) your emotional being (the soul) and 4) your self-esteem (your spirit). Dr. Weeks believes that all four of these “bodies” interweave and affect each other constantly. That said, he also believes that the predominant process is a trickle-down effect meaning that your spirit (thoughts, values and attitudes) affects your soul (feeling, attachments, urges) which in turn affects your vitality (sleep processes, growth and regeneration forces, stamina) which finally affects your physical body (substance and biochemical matter). Therefore, at the Weeks Clinic, we pay particular attention to the spirit since we consider that to be the best target for correcting illnesses or states of “dis-sease” . Therefore, you will note that each health challenge which we compose for you as described in your Corrective Protocol handout has four categories of intervention in order to strive for balance and integration of your four “bodies” . Those interventions include dietary changes, nutritional supplements and medicines for the physical body, energetic or vibrational homeopathic remedies for the etheric or energy body, exercises to develop will forces and the ability to visualize for soul strengthening and meditative or mastery of thought behavior for the spirit. Furthermore, Dr. Weeks does not see health as a goal sufficient unto itself, but rather as a means toward an end. He hopes you will wonder about what changes you will make in your life once you are healthier.