Gretchen’s Yoga – Sonoma Retreat
Gretchen teaches yoga in a creative way that blends traditional practice with juicy, effective and fun ways of moving our bodies. Classes cultivate a feeling of being grounded and centered, with a light and open heart. She has a unique way of guiding with precision and attention to anatomical detail…blended with practices to cultivate boundless embodied presence. With a fresh, authentic and humble spirit, Gretchen is passionate about offering support for practice to both beginners and those who may have done yoga for years. She’s a master at offering modifications for accessibility.

Gretchen teaches the art of yoga in a poetic way that blends functional movement with a transformational spirit of adventure.
- care for all our joints
- how to support our changing bodies as we age (balance, posture)
- functional strength and mobility
- clear alignment and precise ways to make real change and heal stuck areas or injuries
- the “feeling” of being in the flow
- movement for opening our availability to feel our deep feelings and insights
- delight, pleasure, surprise, creativity, fluidity
- intuitive movement, embodiment, empowerment