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Mending the Sisterhood with Susan Skog

Susan Skog
Last night, we were joined by author, freelance journalist, and speaker Susan Skog on the Quest, and what an absolutely powerful and soul-sparking evening we had! She joined our Quest discussion series to share her valuable insights from her life’s work of inspiring and empowering women. Though she never intended to write any, Susan has written eight non-fiction books, and each has been a manifestation of the time and delivered a valuable call to action. Her books ignite the fire within our hearts and souls! The discussion had us feeling truly inspired, connected, and ready to open our hands and hearts to each other as we bridge the generational energy amongst women and shift the paradigm from “power over” to “power with.”

Some key takeaways from the discussion with Susan Skog:

  • “Everyday I am open to the good that will unfold today”
  • Lift each other up — when women soar, we all soar 
  • If we take care of ourselves we can take care of the world; we have to be there for each other and be gracious
  • Empower yourself — women are on fire with their own gifts
  • Unleash all that you are
  • We can’t stay on the sidelines anymore; we must use our voices for good
  • Embrace our essence
  • Unbridled joy is what we are here for — embrace the joy and let it fill us and lead us

Check out some of Susan’s books:

Millions of us are embracing–or may be on the verge of just discovering– our spiritual essence: our intuitiveness, wisdom, resilience and compassion. In the first shining collection of its kind, 29 prominent women (Jane Goodall, Betty ford, Sophy Burnham, etc.) of our time intimately share the philosophies, practices, touchstones and struggles that shape their lives. They discuss the source of the pulsing spirituality sweeping our country–and why it’s our only hope for personal fulfillment and evolution as a society. As doctors, poets, psychologists, publishers, teachers, anthropologists and mothers, they show us how we can discover deeper meaning in our lives and lasting peace in our hearts and souls. Valuable solace to women and men discovering their own spiritual strength, this insightful collection speaks directly to that deep place inside all of us that yearns to love, connect and grow in goodness.

Mending the Sisterhood & Ending Women’s Bullying

“Mending the Sisterhood & Ending Women’s Bullying” is an eye-opening, game-changing look at where, why, and how women are bullying, blocking, and shunning other women, from conference rooms to cul-de-sacs. Most importantly, author Susan Skog issues a positive call-to-action for all women to lift one another up, not tear each other down. Trained as a journalist, Skog shines a light on executives, attorneys, political leaders, actresses, nurses, moms’ groups, bloggers, and Millennial women–all using their voices and choices to empower women around them and end women’s wars. Based on extensive research and interviews with more than 35 women, including top psychologists, executive coaches, and counselors, Skog also offers powerful strategies and steps to help women everywhere say, “Enough!” to mean-girl ways and, “Yes!” to being magnificent women.


“Your Voice Matters: Stand Up, Speak Out” is Susan’s latest book and it amplifies some of today’s leading young voices speaking out about gun control, climate change, bullying, immigration, racism, activism, LGBTQ rights, and the right to be their authentic selves.

Find Susan Online:

Click here for Susan’s website

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