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Join us on July 22 at 6pm (MDT) for Humans By Nature with Mary Ann Simonds. Sign up below and let passion play!

I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but when I met Mary Ann Simonds, I felt right at home. I was so happy and could relax a bit because I knew there was another human that loved everything I did, except she studied in college… Mary Ann is a thought pioneer and so incredible on every level that I don’t know where to start. Being around her is like standing next to an encyclopedia on every fascinating, heart-evoking subject.
We met when she was leading an interspecies communications class in Durango, Colorado. Later, Mary Ann led another course in Hawaii where we swam with wild dolphins and learned so much cutting-edge information, and that was 30 years ago! We created flower essences, programmed our subconscious mind with positive thoughts, learned about sustainability, and so much more. Then, for about six years, we co-hosted the horse retreat in Colorado that went way beyond natural horsewomanship because she had studied wild horses for years. Suffice it to say that she is the one of the most incredible human/fairy/horse/mermaids that I know, and she is helping humans evolve because she is fearlessly gifted and shares her wisdom openly. In her talk, she will also share how we can heal from COVID. Thank you, Mary Ann, for coming to earth and spreading your magic!

An educator and catalysts for consciousness, Mary Ann Simonds, B.S., M.A., has worked professionally for over 40 years combining science and spiritual exploration with horses and nature helping people connect to their inner and outer natures. She has woven her passion for horses, nature, animals and people into various disciplines of consulting and educational practices. What seems like a diverse path is strongly rooted to her core beliefs – life is a complex, constantly evolving system of relationships and humans are intimately connected to all of nature.
Humans By Nature is a talk to inspire you to move from “human-centric” to “nature-centric”. As we face challenges from viruses to climate change, the answers lie within us. By integrating our hearts and minds into symbiotic resonance with nature, we can discover our true self and the power we have to create change. Learn to look ”with” not “at” life, and discover the shift within you.
Mary Ann believes that by understanding our relationship with other animals and with the natural world we can successfully model our social systems after natural systems and create a sustainable, compassionate and beautiful future. Through collaborative efforts we can restore and enhance human awareness and connections to nature and animals. How?

  • By inspiring and empowering people to believe in their dreams, identify their purpose & create with passion.
  • By raising  awareness and increasing human consciousness toward a sustainable future.
  • By demonstrating “real life” applications of our connections with nature & animals.
  • By helping people form healthy relationships with themselves, others, & their natural habitat.
  • By having fun making money while working with good people and doing good things.

Using the HeartMind process, we will dive into the ways to have purposeful lives and meaningful work. HeartMind SPEAK is a process model which guides people to access and integrate their thoughts and feelings into their lives personally and in businesses. The result of over 35 years of applying successful natural systems’ models to human social systems, HeartMind SPEAK is the synthesis of years of dynamic integration working with animals, nature and people to enhance communication, creativity and thinking allowing people to form better relationships, discover their passion and purpose, and solve many of the challenges of today with inspired enthusiasm and knowledge. 


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