Virtual Play Day, Hooray! Come Celebrate International Yoga Day with WQ
This is the culmination of the Summer Solstice and the amazing energy coming together at this time to help everyone lift, create, nurture, and celebrate.
With a focus on movement, manifestation, and mindfulness, jump start your summer with world champion, triathlete, and fitness expert Colleen Cannon and her team of experts. Join us on Sunday, June 21st from 8am to 12pm MDT for a morning filled with movement and soul sessions in honor of International Yoga Day!
For so many Questers, yoga has been a journey to wellness and interconnectedness. Some did their first downward dog at a retreat while others launched into scorpion without a flinch. Yoga reminds us that we are all on our own journey — we honor where we are at in our lives so that we can reach where we would like to go tomorrow. We know that 2020 has come in strong, asking us to embrace discomfort and find a new flow. Our virtual play day is the perfect space to integrate all the growth that you have experienced in just the last six months. It’s a place to shake it off and call upon your intuition. Most of all, it’s a space to PLAY!
Colleen’s Yoga Journey:
Yoga is immensely important in my life, and to celebrate International Yoga Day, I wanted to tell you about my yoga journey. Not many people had heard of yoga in the early 80’s, and there were no yoga studios in Boulder, Colorado. I went to my first class with my friend Diane Israel to the only class available, and it was held at someone’s house. It was a Kundalini yoga class which started with fifteen minutes of “breath of fire” meditation, which involves fast breathing in and out of your nose. We were training for Ironman triathlons at the time, and typically, Diane and I would ride our bikes four to six hours a day, run one hour, and swim one or two hours. Our days required lots of movement.
Diane and I went to this yoga class — we sat on the cushion and did “breath of fire” and almost passed out from hyperventilating. This was my introduction to yoga! I thought that yoga was intense breathing and not much stretching!
A few years later, however, I went to another yoga class with my friend Gretchen Spiro who has been our yoga instructor for the last 30 years. I went to the back of the class because my runner hamstrings were feeling tight — I looked like a downward camel instead of a downward dog. Gretchen helped me surrender, relax, and enjoy stretching, which, to a type-A athlete was hard to do. Little by little, I began to reach and touch the floor, which totally amazed me. It kept me injury free, but most importantly it helped me relax and chill out!
Boulder has always been a hub for different kinds of yoga, so I have been able to experience lots of different kinds of bending and strengthening classes. We did Pilates when it first came to Boulder in 1986, and then I started doing Gyrotonics in the 90’s. I have always been more drawn to the relaxing type of yoga classes because my life is already so full throttle. I also love Strong Balance with Brenna Backe at KOA fit in Boulder because her classes helped me recover and grow strong enough to run again after several injuries.
My newest kind of workout is foundation training with Vicky Hunter, which helps balance the whole body. It totally relaxes the nervous system which is so elemental and needed because it turns on the posterior chain (the back side of the body) and helps regenerate the body by activating the supporting structures of the back side of the body. You may not feel like it is giving you a workout but it is an inner workout.
Everyone has their journey to find balance in life. Even with the stress and headaches out there, we are so fortunate that we can also find online and virtual yoga classes to help you stretch your body, mind, and spirit. Right now, we have our Women’s Quest membership: the Quest, which has a combination of all my favorite (exclusive) yoga classes that are taught by my wonderful yoga teacher friends. Check out and join the Quest here.
Ignite your Intuition: The voice of Your Soul and the Way of the Future with Susann Taylor Shier
In this ever-changing time of great unknown, what is the one thing we each inherently carry that we can trust to guide us in our life?
Our intuition!
Explore the ways to trust your inherent guidance and access your divine wisdom for continual connection, clarity, and the joy for being alive.
Susann Taylor Shier is the founder of Soul Mastery™ and an internationally acclaimed author, spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, and medium. She has helped tens of thousands for over twenty-five years, combining her exquisite connection to the divine with her training as a psychotherapist, inspiring the revelation of each person’s inherent spiritual wealth to flourish and thrive. Using the Akashic Records and her intuitive wisdom, she empowers you to live authentically, and create meaningful contributions in your life and the lives of others.
Susann’s Offers:
Find Intuition Trainings, Akashic Record Readings, Intuitive Counseling for the Heart and Soul, Soul Mastery books
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