Celebrate the Fall Equinox with Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
Join us as we honor the transition of seasons and celebrate the Fall Equinox with Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor on September 22nd at 5pm (MDT). The Fall Equinox is the moment where the sun crosses the celestial equator, heading south. The word equinox means “equal night” in Latin, referring to how the sun shines directly on the equator, dividing day and night equally. During this moment of universal balance, find gratitude in what fills you up and reflect on what you may be able to let go.
Meet Dr. Taylor
Now, she is the author of the New York Times bestseller, My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey, and has spoken about her experience on platforms such as TED Talk and Oprah’s Soul Series web-cast. She was named one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2008 and continues to share her powerful story and findings on brain recovery.