“Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to LET GO of struggle and eager to learn through joy.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach
Fall is the time of turning inward and beginning the process of slowing down and letting go. The plants begin to pull their energy in towards their roots. This is our indicator that it is also a good time for us to restore, reflect, turn inward and “Let Go”!
I’m always a little sad when Summer is over. If you’re feeling a little blue heading into winter you’re right in tune with the seasons. Fall is the lung time of the year in Chinese medicine and that is related to “Letting Go” and things related to grief or sadness.
Here are some ideas to keep your spirits up:
1) Get outside and move around and BREATHE no matter what the weather is. If it is too cold outside, go inside for a hot yoga class.
2) Take action by letting go of people, places and things that no longer serve you – just like the trees let go of their leaves. If that is too overwhelming, let go of one habit that is not serving you so you don’t take it into the New Year.
3) Meditate to SLOW DOWN and gain perspective! If you don’t have 20 min a day, try a few one moment meditations throughout your day. Simply look around, breathe and express gratitude!
Meister Eckhart said “If the only prayer you ever say in your life is ‘thank you’, that would suffice. Two of the most profound words we have in our vocabulary are ‘thank you’. Gratitude is infinite and when we express our appreciation, we are, by definition, offering a prayer.”
4) KILL YOUR TV… for real… and maybe power down your devices. What would it be like to engage with a real human for 5 minutes, instead of a mindless scroll through FB or Instagram? Hmmm….Maybe you would start to connect and feel good about yourself!
5) Find a pet to HUG! We lost our dog and cat this year so it has been lonely, but there are so many pets that need love. I take my neighbors dogs for walks, but if that is not possible you could go to a local shelter and hug animals. It would be a win-win and your heart will be filled with unconditional love!