Jacqueline Stanford

“Live life to its fullest”
Jacqueline Stanford was born on a farm in Western Canada where she grew up with her parents and 3 older brothers. As a kid, she was involved in all sports, competing mostly with her brothers and male cousins.
During her high school and college days, she competed in flat water kayaking, white water kayaking and basketball – all at a national level.
After graduating college she was bitten by the travel bug which landed her on several solo adventures throughout Europe and Tahiti. Arriving in Los Angeles from her travels in Tahiti with no way to get back to Calgary, Canada, she decided to buy a bike and cycle home – a mere 2500 miles (having never ridden more than 5 miles). Loving the sport, she continued long tours and eventually ended up on the Canadian National Cycling Team. Between teaching high school math and PE, she decided to try the Ironman. Again, never training for the swim or run, she won her first triathlon (1/2 Ironman in Santa Barbara) and then headed for the Hawaii Ironman. After the bike, she was in first place (by 20 minutes – bike record held until several years ago) but died in the run – but still was in the top 20. At this event, a sponsor saw her and offered her a sponsorship to become a professional triathlete – FANTASTIC!!
Once a pro, she started doing and winning triathlons all over the planet ranking in the top 5 in the world. Some notable ones are the Maui Triathlon where she won overall, beating all the men, the Worlds Toughest and many more. She also competed in the first Tour de France for Women on the Canadian National team.
After retiring, she married and had 2 FANTASTIC kids. Jacqueline is now a renowned potter with many Galleries and shows carrying her Horse Hair and functional pottery. She is also a Real Estate Agent and a yoga instructor. But her real love is with Women’s Quest where she has been on staff for the last 22 years.
To see some of Jacqueline’s pottery visit her website www.jacquelinestanford.com.